Wednesday, May 13, 2009

We're going to Kentucky, we're going to the fair...

So I know this title has nothing to do with this post...but J.J. got a cd of songs from his Grandma and Grandpa Ford and this song is on it and it's stuck in my head!!  
It's finally park weather here again, and the kids were beggin me to take em.  So, after much ado about finishing their lunch, we went.  Ryan's favorite thing to do is slide, and J.J. is obsessed with the "monkey bars". (Yeah, I know they're rings.)
The most fun thing about the park though was that the sprinklers came on while we were there.  J.J. got a huge grin, so I asked him if he wanted to run around in them.  He was thrilled that I suggested it!!  I'm sure he was expecting me to say no because he was saying thanks a million times over!  So here he is, running around in them.  I was lucky he actually stopped for one pic instead of having his back to me, going crazy in the rainstorm.  I laughed my head off at him, he was too funny!


Jilly Bean said...

Oh!!! So fun! We're just about over park sad! But I guess that means pool times, as long as we can get access to one!

The mountains in the background look so pretty. I miss 'em.

What a fun mom to let him run through the sprinklers!! I'm slooowly learning to loosen up a bit and not be so boring. It's a slow process. Poor Lily and Carter. :)

I want to come play at the park together. Pretty soon!

Jilly Bean said...

P.S. Your boys are CUTE!

Kristy's Garden said...

What cute little guys and what a fun Mom .... mix them together with a little water and sunshine and it makes a super day at the park! I miss you all and I can't wait to play at the park with you in just 5 more weeks ... YIPPEE!

Lauren said...

I love that park...I miss it! Great pics!

kiddle97 said...

I guess that's one key to good parenting: say no 99% of the time so that on the 1% when it's a yes, you are the hero of the century. I'll have to keep that in mind. (Note to self: learn to say yes. Learn to say yes.)